Controlled opposition
A controlled opposition is a protest movement that is actually being led by government agents. Nearly all governments in history have employed this technique to trick and subdue their adversaries. Notably Vladimir Lenin who said ''"The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves."
Greetings fellow plebs and peasants,
These days, particularly since the start of the Covid takeover, there has been much talk of controlled opposition. Everyone seems to have their own litmus test as to who is and isn’t legitimate, and everyone also believes their litmus test to be the gold standard and anyone who strays from unobtainable standards, or has the audacity to ask a question about this litmus test, is almost immediately labelled a shill, an agent, controlled op, etc. Unfortunately, it is not always that cut and dry, and to those with the unrealistic gold standard, who exactly do you think you are and where do you get off claiming this ‘authority’ to determine what is in the heart and mind of those you accuse of being on payroll? If you truly have discenment, know how to research and the ability of critical analysis that you claim to have, then controlled op should be your go-to for information you so desire. They will divulge all sorts of great information, you just need to know how to cut through th BS, although I suspect the majority of those bleating about controlled op the loudest are either one themselves, or lack the ability to actually think for themselves and need everything force fed to them in a carefully selected echo chamber. The Borg is not only a phenomena in those who consume corporate media. It is equally prevalent, and posssibly more so, in the so-called ‘truth community’ and alt-media. Its a problem I refer to as ‘fake awake’. A few Youtube videos and a handful of Q drops, and suddenly a person thinks they know everything. Truth is not a destination, it is a never ending journey. And to close the book on any issue just because your favorite ‘influencer’ says such and such is so is to accept defeat and surrender to the powers who ought not be. The battle is for the mind (see here, here), use yours before someone else uses it for you.
- jw
Source : Jon Rappoport
"Controlled Opposition, Gate Keeper, Agent Provocateur, Plant"
And the Giant Crime
For the past 30 years, I’ve heard these terms thrown around. “Controlled opposition, gate keeper, infiltrator…”
In many cases, there wasn’t a shred of evidence on board. Not even a reasonable circumstantial case.
But people would direct these charges at someone AS IF they had the evidence in the bag.
“Did you read that ridiculous piece Fred wrote? It’s absurd. He’s controlled opposition. Someone higher up put him in an influential position to distract us from the truth, to block us from getting to the bottom of the rabbit hole. He’s an agent. He’s a plant.”
However, Fred actually has:
A blind spot on an issue.
He does good work in other areas, but on issue X he got it wrong.
Fred’s accuser has tried to reach Fred and convince him another issue must be covered, but the accuser couldn’t reach Fred. Therefore, Fred is a deceiver.
Fred isn’t perfect, and his accuser takes that as a sign that Fred must be controlled opposition.
Fred gets it wrong on issue X and then paints himself into a corner and refuses to admit he made a mistake. Instead, he doubles down. He looks ridiculous — so he must be an agent provocateur, a gate keeper, controlled opposition.
Because Fred got it wrong on issue X, everything else he talks about must be some kind of deception and an intentional limited hangout.
Fred’s accuser has spent years researching one particular issue, and Fred doesn’t talk about that issue, so Fred must be intentionally covering up the truth about the issue.
Fred hasn’t been attacked from all sides over the years. Therefore, he’s being protected by higher-ups. He’s controlled opposition.
Fred’s accuser thinks, “Since I know all about issues X, Y, and Z, Fred must know all about them, too, and yet he doesn’t talk about those issues, or he covers them superficially by my elevated standards. Therefore, Fred is a gate keeper, he’s a secret agent, he’s an infiltrator.”
Fred’s accuser has actually been through a very difficult meat grinder — a situation where he was wrongly and heavily attacked for doing a good and righteous thing. And so the accuser tends to be, shall we say, a bit oversensitive. Understandably so.
But then some superficial accusers go down this alley: Since there ARE actual persons who ARE put in place to deceive, confuse, and stir up trouble…Fred must be one of them. (The logic of that argument is stunning.)
People who have a habit of throwing around “controlled opposition” and similar terms, like hot burgers off the grill at a picnic…those people tend to have a paranoid world view (which is justified), but the world view gets out of hand. The world view becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Right next door to “he’s a gate keeper and controlled opposition,” we have: “He’s distracting us by covering the wrong issues. We should be focused on Q, R, S, not X, Y, Z.”
And it may be true that we should be focused on Q, R, S, but Fred isn’t trying to distract anybody. He thinks X, Y, and Z are important, and they are. Perhaps they’re not as important as Q, R, S, but so what?
To go down a different path, if Fred happened to be a person whose job it was to notice certain types of crimes and prosecute them in court, and there was a whole list of those crimes Fred obviously knew about, and yet he was doing nothing; then you would have a major case against Fred. That’s a different situation. And doing nothing while egregious crimes pile up is standard operating procedure in government work. Unfortunately.
But Fred isn’t that person. He’s a writer or a video maker or a broadcaster or an editor, and he happens to be limited, and from time to time he makes mistakes. Along the limited waterfront he’s covering, he makes mistakes.
Or Fred is on the crime beat, and he does expose a number of crimes, but not all of them, and not the favorite crimes of his accuser.
Or Fred deals with conspiracies of a deep nature, but not every conspiracy.
Or Fred works to pump himself up and embroider his reputation, and in that process, he sometimes jumps the fence and makes obviously wrong statements.
But he’s not a spy. He’s not a gate keeper. He’s not controlled opposition. He’s not a plant.
The unsupported and excessive spraying of these terms, like “controlled opposition,” into land, sea, and air, has a deleterious effect. It casts a weird glow. It distorts people and situations.
When I look back and think of times I was tempted to engage in that spraying of “controlled opposition,” there was a common denominator. I had my hands on a giant story. A giant crime. I had it nailed down. I put the story out there. And then I decided (rightly or wrongly) that nobody was listening. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody was willing to give the story the coverage it deserved.
And then I could say, if I wanted to — “There’s a whole lot of controlled opposition and gate keeping going on out there. Here’s one guy. There’s another. Here’s a third. They’re all intentionally covering up and deflecting the truth.”
And I was surely right. There were such people. Not the people I was thinking about, while I was so pissed off. But yes, there were such people. Probably a few. Like there always are. So what?
However, for the most part, the people who could have covered my story but didn’t: were afraid to; or were busy with other stories they knew were important; or were worn out; or were considering their audiences (what those audiences would think of my giant story); or just couldn’t see what I was driving at; or felt they lacked the knowledge to agree or disagree with me.
And regardless of their reasons (good or bad, understandable or not), those people who didn’t pick up on my story were not gate keepers or controlled opposition or hostile actors or plants or agents.
And if I went ahead and accused them of being those sorts of persons, that would be ridiculous. Laughable. Worst case, it would be like accusing a short order cook at a diner of intentionally keeping me away from the fantastically tasty Omaha steak he was storing in a special locked fridge — while serving me a cardboard burger instead. Because he was screwing with me. He was working for the elite Junk Food Association of America. And they knew who I was. For some criminal reason, they were keeping me away from the steak.
Nah. They were in the cardboard burger business. That’s all.
Now and then, while I’m sleeping, I might dream I’m chasing a bunch of these cardboard burger people down a long road, or they’re chasing me through a city, and they’ve got helicopters overhead, and they’re agents tasked with keeping my stories away from public view (by rubbing me out), but when I wake up, I shake that off and go to work. This work.
Now let’s look at an actual giant crime. For example, locking the world up.
I’m not talking about the COVID lockdowns. I mean the technocratic lock-up.
This would rate as a mother of all crimes.
You could loosely call this BEHAVIOR CONTROL.
From the top; coming down. Like a clean sanitized shit storm.
It looks nice and neat — it doesn’t have detritus and garbage hanging off of it. It operates smoothly. Like a well-tuned machine.
And you can find a place inside the machine, if you do what you’re told to do. That’s the basic principle, and as you can see, it isn’t very sophisticated.
Now, the technology applied to make the machine work and to keep everybody inside it — that is definitely sophisticated, and it’s improving all the time.
Ultimately, people themselves would be engineered, as in Huxley’s Brave New World, from the womb. That’s some serious fucking behavior control.
And face it, why wouldn’t tech people bent on running the world opt for that sort of control, if they could achieve it? Why stop short at cell phones that report your location and buzz your brain and listen to you talk when you’re not on the phone?
I could go on and paint all sorts of pictures of the Brave New World. I have, and so have others. The ID packages, the wall to wall surveillance, the guaranteed income linked to social credit score, the destructive vaccines, the top-down control of your bank account no matter where you bank, which means the seizure of your assets for any reason under the sun…
Bleak. Bad, bad shit. Universal MKULTRA.
And this is why I keep pushing my favorite theme. The umbrella term is Decentralization of Power. The specific is BULLY PULPIT.
Which means people stepping forward and going all-out to talk to their audiences every day on live stream and deliver what they see and know and believe — NO HOLDS BARRED — about the insanity in our midst, and what sanity would look like. In vivid terms.
No matter what. Come hell or high water.
In my current articles and podcasts, I provide numerous illustrations of how this bully pulpit could look and sound.
I guess you could boil this idea down to: telling the whole truth as you see it, without stinting, without using damped-down neutral language, without holding back emotion, without hedging your bets.
The people who are watching and listening would be AFFECTED, trust me.
1000 bully pulpits, 5000, and more. Heavy action.
Millions and millions of people across the world want to listen and watch.
Here’s my view: These millions of people want to cut through all the bullshit about the COLLECTIVIST “WE” — what I call the cosmic cheese glob — they want to leave all that bullshit behind and get down to THE INDIVIDUAL, who is free to live in freedom as long as he doesn’t impinge on the freedom of others, and who makes his way in the world by EARNING IT. Freedom with responsibility.
The Brave New World is the Collectivist We to the nth degree.
We need to head in the opposite direction. Back to the I.
That’s my starting position.
My jumping off point.
And yes, there are HUGE audiences out there who believe that and want to hear it expressed with no-limit conviction.
The jail break from the fake WE to the real I.
They want to hear a president with conviction. A governor with conviction. A mayor with conviction. A sheriff with conviction. A CEO. A doctor. A movie star. A celebrity athlete. A race car driver. A whoever.
Bully pulpit. VOICES.
We’ve got them. Voices.
To turn around the fetid fake culture…and drown the Brave New World before it takes hold.
-- Jon Rappoport
The Maxim of Shillery
Source : Negentropic Chronicles Telegram channel
The maxim of shillery is this: direct agent or useful idiot/useful ego, the result is the same - disinformation or the creation of enough confusion so that everything becomes believable and nothing clearly knowable.
Therefore, when disinformation arrives from the mouth of a certain person on a regular basis, that person is a shill, because whether or not anybody pays them directly, they function in the capacity of a paid shill.
The difference between a paid shill and a self-made one is that the paid shill is there to control the more important inner levels of hidden knowledge from discovery by offering plenty of the less crucial levels as bait. The bait of the less important information given in fully logical fashion is used to get as many followers as possible for the shill and then, after a certain point is reached, confuse them with illogical non-sequiturs and deliberate disinformation that makes no sense without giving any explanation for it.
Paid shills can even be used to determine how many people out there are actually intelligent and free-thinking and non-conformist enough to be receptive to "the truth" about any topic important enough to have been lied about extensively and hidden from the masses in the first place. Paid shills can be used to deliberately create a bigger "truth" movement in certain areas that would have existed otherwise but one where only the less important truths are made available to these more people to prevent the far more important core truths from being discovered and disseminated, even to far less people.
In this scenario, the more important truths discovered by let's say even just 50,000 people would be far less preferable than the less important truths being discovered by as many as a million people, so shill bait is put out to make sure enough of the potential millions stay in the less important gates so that the more important truths never reach the 50K mark. And there are many gate levels in between. Hence why Alex Jones has millions of followers and Simon Shack has only a few thousand. What that means is that the shillery and gatekeeping operations have worked perfectly well.
This is what is called limited-hangout gatekeeping. The function of gatekeeping is always to confuse, disperse and waste the energies of primarily the most important segment of the population: the tiny minority of high-IQ people who also happen to be non-conformist, since there are plenty of high-IQ people who are conformist and either amoral or immoral and therefore mostly useless to the cause of truth, actually far more useless than non-conformists who only have average IQ's and can only go so far without guidance from the higher IQ non-conformists.
Every level of “truther woke” has its own gatekeepers and/or emotionally-invested shill class that becomes self-perpetuating after a while since it stubbornly refuses to go beyond that point of “woke” due to the emotional pain or ego-loss that would occur by having to admit having been wrong for so long. The controllers who pay the paid shills know this. Only a few strategically placed agents are needed to spread enough fear and confusion for the much larger numbers of self-made shills to become gatekeepers themselves and do the rest.
Source: Medium
Controlled Opposition
Controlled opposition is the technique of playing two seemingly opposing sides against each other to achieve a desired outcome. This is also known as the Hegelian dialectic or artificial conflict resolution. If a manipulator can control the conflict, he can also control the outcome.
A dialectic is a debate intended to resolve differences between two views rather than to establish one of them as true. The opposition that is created through this gives power to a third force that sits above and controls both of the two sides.
Controlled opposition is a mind control technique and works hand in hand with the divide & conquer strategy. To create division the manipulator will present the victims with the illusion of choice. If there is only one path available, a person will sense the control behind it and resist. But when allowed to choose, even between two practically identical options, he is made to feel like he chose the outcome and is much more likely to accept, identify with, and defend it.
As people identify with their choice they view anyone who opposes it as an enemy. In reality, both sides were set up and controlled by the same puppet master, and the resulting conflict is always to the benefit of the manipulator.
Politics is a very obvious dialectic. People are influenced to strongly identify with either of the opposing positions; conservative or liberal. These two sides are in constant conflict with each other as their supporters are tricked into believing the change and solutions they desire, lies with the party they are voting for. In truth, neither of the two parties holds any real power other than to make people conform to the will of a higher force while thinking it was their own decision.
War is another great example of this technique. No sane, healthy person would willingly choose war. Yet war is continuous and ongoing in our world. The only ones who benefit are those who control the mechanisms through which these wars are fought; the weapons that are being manufactured, the central banks and the debts that arise as a result from these conflicts, the fuel needed to power these wars… These mechanisms are all controlled by the same group of people, and often times this same group of people fund both sides of the war.
“…the framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to a predetermined solution. This is accomplished by manipulating consciousness into a circular pattern of thought and action. The synthetic solution to these conflicts can’t be introduced unless those being manipulated take a side that will advance the predetermined agenda.” — George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Hegelian Dialectic.
Controlled Opposition has been used to control us, not only on a physical and mental level, but also and to an even greater extent on a spiritual level. Conscious evolution has been stunted by the use of this technique through ideologies such as new age spirituality and cultural religions.
The controllers know that humans subconsciously seek spiritual evolution and would recognize something wrong with the left brain imbalanced system we live in. The solution was to present us with their own, false versions of spirituality and enlightenment, while keeping the true spiritual knowledge occulted. As the last cul de sac before the gold mine this has led us astray; away from the true path and towards passivity and inaction.
There are a lot of truths hidden in the new age and religious teachings, but it requires discernment. One of the techniques of manipulation is to infuse truth with deception. The manipulator knows one will not take obvious poison, so he hides it in something that is good and true to make it palatable.
The underlying current nested in a lot of these teachings is that of inaction. The focus is on belief and thought, instead of knowledge and action. Wisdom is acquired by taking in knowledge of the truth, then acting upon that knowledge. Right action is what will ultimately bring about the change we need in this world. New age and religious teachings were designed to passify us, so we won’t do anything about the usurpation of our natural law rights.
“Wisdom is power and power is wisdom, one with each other, perfecting the whole. Be not proud, oh man, in thy wisdom. Discourse with the ignorant as well as with the wise. If one comes to you full of knowledge, listen and heed, for wisdom is all. Keep not silent when evil is spoken for truth. For like the sunlight, truth shines above all. He who oversteps Law, shall be held accountable. For only through Law comes true freedom. Cause not fear in others, for fear is bondage; a tether that binds darkness to man” — Hermetic Philosophy
Further these ideologies teach to not look upon the negative, the fallacy being that this is how the law of attraction works; If you think about the negative, you will attract it into your life. It is an appealing notion. People naturally shy away from the dark side. But the opposite is true. Knowledge and understanding of the dark side and how it is being used against us will empower us to recognize and resist it. If we do not recognize and acknowledge the darker things, both within and around us, we will be powerless to rise above and conquer them.
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable, and therefor, not popular.” — Carl Jung
The controllers have given us the illusion of choice and the illusion of freedom. In exchange we gave them our compliance with their system. This is the dark truth. We need to look at it, recognize it and acknowledge it. We need to reclaim our power of thought, take action and start creating change. Ignoring this truth is the surest way to destroy true freedom.
Written by Aliana
Based on work by Mark Passio
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