Greetings fellow plebs and peasants,
As I had previously written (see here), I am not convinced that Team Science Incorporated is ready to give up on the complete scam known as covid. When most of the world rolled over like fucking puppies obeying nonsensical dictates without question like good little sheeple, why would these power mad demons give up? There’s more money to be made, more lives to be destroyed and more people to murder with deadly medications and injections.
Well, looks like I was correct, yet again. Never mind that multiple nations have decided to stop playing ‘pandemic’. Never mind that Papa Pedo in the White House stated its over. Never mind the CDC more or less stating its over (jabbed and unjabbed to be treated exactly the same per current CDC guidelines), apparently the WHO has yet to receive the memo.
So, this sounds to me like they want tracking and testing as a permanent part of life. So, play along with contact tracing, keep taking your DNA collection kits known as covid tests, keep wearing your masks, keep getting your mRNA subscription service update so you can keep a paycheck. That’s your choice. But you are virtue signalling your slavery and a life of destroyed health
This ends when enough of us say it ends. And truly mean it. Will there be consequences? Of course, there always are. But those pale in comparison what will happen if we allow this madness to continue.
#DoNotComply #NoCompromise #NoSurrender
- jw
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