Greeting fellow Plebs & Peasants,
This is my advice for hormone health for both men and women that is not really discussed in these videos, other than a brief passing comment. One of the easiest ways to throw your hormonal balance out of whack (more so than it may already be) is stress. Stress causes elevated cortisol. Chronically elevated cortisol opens you up to all sorts of ailments. So, if you find yourself constantly getting caught up in the doom porn every time anything happens, maybe stop following those scum bags that make a living off your stressing over everything. How many times can you allow yourself to get all fired up over literally anything that happens or may happen, then nothing happens, no admission of error, then moves right to the next doom loop for you to fall for like a sucker yet again? I just cannot fathom how people will keep allowing themselves to be lied to. It is quite a peculiar pathology. How are the doom peddlers in alt-media any different than the doom peddlers at CNN or Fox? The answer is they are the same exact thing. Contrary to what you may believe about yourself, you do not get what is going on if you keep falling for every single psyop coming out of alt-media. It is as controlled and corrupt as the MSM in many cases. Two sides of the same coin. So want to start reclaiming your health, nothing will matter until you get the cortisol in check. No diet, no amount of exercise, no anything, will make a difference with chronically elevated cortisol as it is slowly killing you and you will never realize it until its too late. If any of this describes you and you aren’t too far gone that you are in denial, please for your physical health and sanity, take a week off from anything online that is not absolutely necessary. If ya gotta pay a bill, pay a bill. But get the fuck off the socials and come back to reality.
- jw
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