The only security men can have for their political liberty, consists in keeping their money in their own pockets.
- Lysander Spooner
The madmen are in power.
- Philip K. Dick, ‘The Man in the High Castle’
Doing well is the result of doing good. That's what capitalism is all about.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Culture, in the traditional sense of the word, is about to disappear... The trivialization of arts and literature, the triumph of the scandalous media and the frivolity of politics are symptoms of a much greater evil that harms today's society: the sacralization of entertainment as the supreme value and ultimate goal of our existence. If in the past culture was a compass, a guide and a kind of consciousness that prevents us from turning our backs on reality, today, in the age of false idols and post-culture, the primacy of the show and superficiality has become the rule that makes any moral, intellectual, and political consciousness fall asleep, blinded and annihilated together with our freedom.
- Mario Vargas Llosa
An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.
- Martin Luther King Jr.
The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices.
- Jimmy Carter
There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one.
- Ralph Marston
There is nothing more dangerous to the Kingdom of darkness than a believer with the word of God in their mouth.
- JM
The flowers that sleep by night, opened their gentle eyes and turned them to the day. The light, creation's mind, was everywhere, and all things owned its power.
- Charles Dickens
Don't forget that the saint is not the person who never falls, but rather the one who never fails to get up again, humbly and with a holy stubbornness.
- St. Josemaria Escriva
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