12 cc's of Reality
Can lead em to water
Can't make em drink
Can compose it in ink
Can't make em think
Can show em the blueprints
Can't make em build
Can give em directions
Can't make em yield
Can put em on the field
Can't make em stars
Can put em up on game
Can't pry the bars
- Damon
It is impossible to begin to learn that which one thinks one already knows.
- Epictetus
The greatest gift you can give someone is the gift of inspiration.
- Cornel West
Most people want security in this world, not liberty.
- H. L. Mencken
To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.
- Theodore Dalrymple
The only antagonistic conflict of interest in society is the one between tax-payers, i.e. the exploited, and tax-consumers, i.e. the exploiters.
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Those who committed atrocities always seemed to do so out of a misconceived sense of righteousness and the greater good.
- Terry Brooks
It is in war that the State really comes into its own: swelling in power, in number, in pride, in absolute dominion over the economy and the society.
- Murray N. Rothbard
The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.
- J. Edgar Hoover
A really efficient totalitarian State would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.
- Aldous Huxley
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