The 4th Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens?
The Dangers of Coalescing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitization, 5G Ultra-Microwaves and “The Great Reset”, Alias “Agenda 2030”
Source: Global Research
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: The Future of AI, The Past of Homo Sapiens?
Conversation with Khal Shariff and Robert J Sawyer
Global Research, June 17, 2023
“Should we let machines flood our information channels with propaganda and untruth? Should we automate away all the jobs, including the fulfilling ones? Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventually outnumber, outsmart, obsolete and replace us? Should we risk loss of control of our civilization? Such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders…
Therefore, we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.” – Future of Life Institute (March 22, 2023) [1]
“Wonder is not only a superb conclusion to a tremendous trilogy, but stands alone as one of the best books that Sawyer has ever written.” – Winnipeg Free Press [2]
Imagine a world where you can now take your problems to a computer and found that it is the best therapist you ever had! Where the companion on-line that could well be the love of your life based on your private conversations is in fact not human! Where every professor, every lawyer, every writer, every artist, every detective, physician and architect you ever met cannot match this new program at your finger tips! And how this threatens just about every upper income job in existence!
Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that this moment may finally be upon us…
The Artificial Intelligence research laboratory OpenAI, which ran on a non-profit basis, announced the release of ChatGPT, an AI chatbot on November 30, 2022. Two months later, it was used by 100 million users! And the numbers have continued to expand ever since. [3]
Then in February of 2023, Microsoft announced it was building AI technology on the same foundation as ChatGPT and incorporating it into Microsoft Bing, Edge, and other products. Then in March, the Future of Life Institute has attracted the signatures of several people specializing in Artificial Intelligence in calling for a “ pause for at least 6 months” in the development of post-GPT-4 AI systems. The ability to further inflame our media with mis-information and dis-information, the disruption of the Labour landscape and yes even an attack or subversion against humanity by an artificial system that can out-think us are some of the primary concerns. [4][5]
This episode of the Global Research News Hour takes a deep dive into these various areas and both the opportunities and the perils from which we cannot turn back once we have crossed the first threshold of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This week’s guests feature individuals fully capable of engaging the host in a fifty minute long conversation: Khal Shariff, head of the Virtual Reality and related Technology company Project Whitecard, and Robert J Sawyer, the acclaimed Canadian Science fiction author and keynote speaker.
Khal Shariff is the founder and CEO of Project Whitecard, a company dedicated to using technology for good. They use game technology for education, and the latest project is all about driver training in BC, where Project Whitecard is using AI extensively during development.
Robert J Sawyer is, according to multiple press organizations, the leading science fiction author in Canada. The only Canadian to receive all 3 of the world’s top science fiction awards for best novel of the year, he is also the first writer to receive the Lifetime Achievement Aurora Award. His now fourteen year old series, Wake, Watch and Wonder (WWW), was his in-depth look at Artificial Intelligence and received the Hugo Award and three Aurora Awards.
(Global Research News Hour Episode 395)
Click to download the audio (MP3 format)
Tom Dotan (February 10, 2023)’Microsoft Adds ChatGPT AI Technology to Bing Search Engine’, Wall Street Journal;
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Michael Welch, Global Research, 2023
Source: Global Research
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: “AI Will Enable Some People to Control the World”
Decisive Victory for the USA and Global Elites?
By Michael Welch, Karsten Riise, and Peter Koenig
Global Research, June 24, 2023
“All this fear about AI taking over the world is bogus! It’s nothing! It’s just fantasy! It won’t happen! But AI will enable some people to control the world! And THAT is something to be scared of!”
– Karsten Riise (from this week’s interview.)
Science fiction can involve extra-terrestrial species interacting with human beings, space exploration, time travel, telepathic development, and parallel universes. When the subject turns to the question of artificial intelligence (AI), speculation and advanced research seem to be merging in the imagination of our time.
GPT 4 and the soon to be released GPT 5 will give potential abilities in economics, education, and multiple other areas a massive boost. How might this new tech feature affect international relations? [1]
Would it make a difference if one set of countries had the wheel and the rest did not?
What about the development of the printing press? The airplane? The Rocket? The computer? The internet? The atomic bomb?
No, if one side had a significant gain in this area, they would inevitably dominate their rivals.
But something that must also be factored in is high tech organizations and the elites that finance them have considered the potential for them in also dominating the world beyond the dreams of the democratic past. This amazing system allows, as indicated on last week’s show, super-smart machines (slaves) to finally be accessible and undermine the labour gains during the last couple of centuries.
More than that, they can be more cognizant of our behavior than we are! And with the focus on surveillance, supposedly in our own defence, there may be no more guards on our privacy, or even ultimately our freedom. A techno-dystopia in which we are ensnared, that we cannot expect to out-think, anymore than today’s leading chess grand-master cannot expect to out-maneuver Deep Blue. Minority Report, the motion picture about people being arrested before they could commit a crime based on thorough understandings of individuals and their behavior, may turn out to be more of a documentary at some point.
On this, the sequel to last week’s episode of the Global Research News Hour, we are looking at the direction current forces are already taking with AI and assessing whether our journey will be one of ecstatic new realities or unimaginable horrors. Or both?
In our first half hour, a new guest Karsten Riise, establishes that the new OpenAI product will give the US and edge over Cold War rivals China and Russia, in spite of their looming victories over Ukraine and Taiwan. He also shows just how far plans for the new AI engines are proceeding around the world.
In our second half hour, we have a talk featuring past guest Peter Koenig. His efforts reveal AI in the context of the World Economic Forum’s plans to bring about the Great Reset, and reveals steps in the direction of terminating freedom and humanity in the interests of Elite enterprises.
Karsten Riise is a Master of Science (Econ) from Copenhagen Business School and has a university degree in Spanish Culture and Languages from Copenhagen University. He is the former Senior Vice President Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Mercedes-Benz in Denmark and Sweden. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also is a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.
(Global Research News Hour Episode 396)
LISTEN TO THE SHOW (Transcript Below)
Click to download the audio (MP3 format)
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Michael Welch, Karsten Riise, and Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2023
Source: Global Research
Dangers of Coalescing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digitization, 5G Ultra-Microwaves and “The Great Reset”, Alias “Agenda 2030”
Transcript of Interview with Michael Welch at Global Research News Hour (GRNH)
By Peter Koenig and Michael Welch
Global Research, June 26, 2023
Michael Welch (MW): The development of AI recently seems to have taken the world by surprise. Yet AI is part of this transition. Like a surprise discovery in December of last year. Yet it seems like AI would be part of the overall trajectory of the scheme towards the great reset and agenda 2030. Could you explain how that is possible?
Peter Koenig (PK): Let me begin by saying that we are about the fifth or sixth Civilization that has inhabited this planet in the past several hundred thousand years.
All of these previous civilizations have died out, have basically committed suicide, with technological “advances” – more technology, more materialism, and less spirituality.
Materialism is seductive. It allows the least spiritual people to become an “elite” by accumulating more and more material things, making technical “advances” – I call them advances – mind you they are not – so people understand… these technical advances allow them an ever-smaller elite to possess ever more material goods and eventually to control those who have less or no material goods.
From what we know, previous Civilizations have been equally or more “advanced” technologically than we are… in different ways. They had technologies we dream of, but don’t know how to activate them… like free energy all around us. Those who control and drive these technological “advances”, would lose control.
In the spiritual sense, these people become “sick” – dangerous, including dangerous for themselves, because they are eventually destroying the very base that they used to dominate.
Well, today, we are about again at these cross-roads of technification of everything. We call it digitization, transhumanism, where a machine controls our brains, what we call Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Our “means of exchange”, we call it money – will be digitized, so it allows the elite which controls it all – to put the population in hand-cuffs, in prison actually. Because this digitized money which they will call Central Bank Digital Currency or CBDC will be programmable, meaning they can block it from you using it, they can make it expire at a certain point… they can – or let me say could – because we are not there yet – starve you to death.
Its as simple as that.
And we, the people, are lied about it constantly – by those who control the “technology”, who also control what we call the media – the information system. All can be bought by “material things” in this case money – what we use as an exchange system.
Maybe people have heard about the “Tavistock Institute for Social Manipulation”. Highly recommended for those who want to wake up.
It is the title of a book that describes the way manipulation works, so that most people have no clue how they are manipulated. Tavistock is based in the UK. Its counterpart of the US is called DARPA and stands for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, it is a thinktank attached to the Pentagon, doing the same – and more…
So, with this as background, AI has been under preparation for a long time, for decades. It has come lately to the fore, because it is now that they are planning to apply it to humans.
First, it must be made palatable to people, so they like it and fall for it. Once they do, they can be easily enslaved by AI; their brains will be controlled by remote AI – as well explained by Dr. James Giordano, in 2018 at the West Point NY Military Academy for elite military officers.
For Dr. James Giordano’s video presentation (video 1:07:28 h – see this article, in which this and another revealing video are embedded.
It is hardly a coincidence that Klaus Schwab’s book the Fourth Industrial Revolution came out in 2018, precisely when Dr. Giordano, a DARPA scientist, presents AI and mind manipulation via 5G microwaves to the officers of the US top military academy.
And yes, the Great Reset and the so-called UN Agenda 2030 go hand in hand. The UN has years ago ceased being what still most people believe it is – the United Nations, vouching for Peace on Earth.
Guterres is a close friend and associate of Klaus Schwab’s. Or better, Schwab is his boss, as Schwab, the WEF CEO, calls the shots on behalf of those who fund and support the WEF. And Big Finance calls the shots on the WEF. There we go. Nothing is what it seems.
MW: AI was on the agenda of the Bilderberg Conference in Lisbon Portugal. And Sam Altman CEO of Open AI (Which founded new Artificial Intelligence technology was an attendee of Bilderberg, He previously testified in front of a U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee regarding the recent rise of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Biden Administration assigned Eric Schmidt to head the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI), or the AI Commission. He chairs Bilderberg. Henry Kissinger has taken great interest in AI as well. So, with all these developments, what are your core concerns about where AI may be headed?
PK: AI is primed to control the surviving humanity. “Surviving”, because, as you know, one of the key objectives of The Great Reset is massive population reduction. And the pursuit of this target is in the process of happening, thanks to the forced vaxxes upon a fake plandemic – so well “marketed” with fear and threats, and of course, lots of money, that again, most people fell for it.
See this revealing admission of a BlackRock recruiter on how politicians are bought – video 11-min.
Most people were injected with different kinds of poisonous concoctions that cause different kinds of diseases, many if not most, mortal diseases, cancers of all sorts, mostly affecting reproductive organs of both women and men – other injection types are sterilizing women – that has already been noticed, as birth rates in Germany and most European countries have gone down drastically.
And much more.
Others – maybe most, were also injected with graphene oxide, a highly magnetic substance, especially when it gets in touch with 5G microwaves – precisely the kind of electronics that aims at manipulating people’s minds, making humans to transhumans.
In other words, most vaxed people are already primed to eventually become transhumans, if they do not die before.
MW: A lot of people noticed the pandemic is finally over. And are probably rejecting the vaccine in greater numbers by now. Was the pandemic part of the PR drive for bringing about the Great Reset and all the changes coming into play with the Fourth Industrial Revolution which was already planned?
PK: The short answer is YES. The Plandemic was or is, already an integral part of the Great Reset and serves to prepare people, to prime people – for the 4th Industrial Revolution, for full digitization of everything, including people’s brains.
If you told people, they would not believe you.
I recommend everybody to read The Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Easy reads – both available from Amazon. Knowing their contents – of course you need to do a lot of reading between the lines… will help waking you up, becoming alert, informing others – This is the way of becoming a critical mass.
MW: Digitized ID is still part of the plan. What evidence is there that everybody will have to switch over to digital ID and digital currency?
PK: None so far.
Up to now it is just a plan of the EU and WHO – talking about it, as if it were already in place is also called “fear-mongering” – and people in fear are highly vulnerable, as we know, as we got confirmed by the entire covid fraud.
On digital money – it is a plan of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), the Central Bank of all central banks, and the IMF. The managing director of the IMF has just today (21 June) called upon all countries to adopt as fast as possible CBDCs. She urged the IMF’s some 190 member countries to accelerate the CBDC-process.
Nothing is DONE yet. But it takes people to say NO in unison, and with their legislators. Yes, unfortunately the legislators, all or most of them are corrupted.
What We, the People must do, is demand en masse to exit WHO.
In the country where this drive for total health tyranny of WHO started, in the US, there are several Republican Senators seeding a motion in the Senate to exit WHO. This is a good sign and could be a guiding light for other countries to follow.
MW: Explain the role of 5G and 6G in this unusual enterprise. They are necessary for fast downloads and driverless cars etc. But what is your foundation for the claim it can be a tool for enslaving us?
PK: Again, the fast downloads and self-driving cars are just a pretext. I have not seen or heard anybody so far who wants a self-driving car. All to the contrary. People do not want to lose their last autonomy.
As Dr. Giordano so vividly and lucidly explains, these powerful short-waves are mainly to be used to control peoples’ brains, to make them into transhumans, or quasi-robots, so to speak.
Something to this extent, Klaus Schwab admitted in a 2016 interview with Swiss French TV. He said by 2025 we may all have chips implanted in our clothes or under the skin, to interface with the electronic world. He already then used the term “transhumanism”.
In essence, this means, if people do not behave according to the rules, they can be “taken out” remotely – and nobody would notice.
By the way, have you noticed how these 5G and soon 6G antennas are going up all over the world like mushrooms? Not just thousands, but millions.
And so do satellites, tens of thousands are already in the air – and many more tens of thousands are to follow, beaming down these deadly microwaves to the antennas which then are set to direct the 5G waves on you – on us – to kill our sentiments – pineal gland, and to read and manipulate our thinking – and eventually, to order us to do what the elite wants us to do.
MW: What have you seen in the last 3 years that convinces you that resistance is not futile?
PK: Frankly, I have not seen much fruitful resistance, so far. The resistance that most springs to mind, is the US Senate movement of Republican Senators in the US Congress to object to WHO’s plan of introducing a global health tyranny, by depriving each WHO member country of its sovereign right on issues of health.
These Senators want to get out of WHO.
And so do other counties, and people of other countries. Like in Switzerland, there is already a people’s initiative under way to exit WHO.
There is ample room for much more protest and resistance – but in solidarity, in unison. Solidarity makes us strong.
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book “When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).
Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.
The original source of this article is Global Research
Copyright © Peter Koenig and Michael Welch, Global Research, 2023
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