Language is important. My middle name has been 'chaos' as far back as I can remember. But in the good way... Nothing is certain. It pains me to see the idea co-opted to mean promoting the Empire

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Sep 3, 2023·edited Sep 3, 2023Author

How is it co-opted though? 'They' didn't come with it. And its a fitting description of these people. They are doing nothing but trying to create chaos, by literal definition of the word.

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I took it in this essay as chaos with an agenda... I have always approached it as chaos for the sake of fucking shit around. Doing the crazy thing to make people question the status quo. It's when it is tied to an agenda for a purpose that it stops being chaos from my perspective. I could be wrong.

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As far as I know, this Matthew Crawford person I had linked to coined it. I never heard it prior to his work, and it was just the term I've been looking for for a long time to describe what I believe these people are. Chaos, as defined, is causing or creating confusion. I've honestly never once in my life heard the word used in positive way. I'm getting your point now, don't get me wrong, but nothing sinister or anything about its use here, quite the contrary. It identifies sinister actors pretending to be on the side of the people.

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I take it as a play on 'change agent'. I don't point to the agent part, only the chaos part. I interpret chaos as neither solely good or bad, could be either.

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Well chaos has a specific definition, I honestly don't see how its a matter of interpretation. I'm not saying your use is wrong per se, but when the word is used as defined, its being used as defined.

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