Thank you for your series. The start of any conversation between the dominant and the oppressed hinges on a modicum of understanding from all sides about the point of view of the others. What he wrote about Vietnam IN 1965(!) has definite parallels to many freedom struggles today.

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and thanks for inadvertently reminding me that I wanted to include that quote

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oh absolutely. After whatever got me into watching all those videos I was uploading to Telegram from all the Panthers and whatnot I couldnt stop because the parallels were absurdly similar, just updated a bit. This really jumped out at me:

Both right and left claim to love their country. The Ku Klux Klan, John Birch Society, American Nazi Party, con¬ servative Republicans, Minutemen, even the Hell’s Angels —all wrap themselves up in the American flag and solemn¬ ly call themselves patriots. Their enemies and critics, seeing that the right wing would not disappear when spoofed as kooks, nuts, and little old ladies in tennis shoes, surprised and frightened by their potential strength as indicated by the 26,000,000 votes cast for Goldwater, now grant them de facto political status by applying to them such sophisti¬ cated labels as “neo-fascist” and “right-winger.”

Change a couple names and we have exactly today

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