I strongly agree, children aren’t science experiments; however, parents have been conditioned to accept multiple vaccines at once without questioning the safety or efficacy. No studies have been done on giving multiple vaccines at one time! Most parents have never researched and blindly trust their pediatricians, the alphabet agencies, and the media....whom are all “brought to you by Pfizer.” Very sad. My heart aches reading these VAERS reports and all the injury/death stories. Thank you for sharing your findings.
I strongly agree, children aren’t science experiments; however, parents have been conditioned to accept multiple vaccines at once without questioning the safety or efficacy. No studies have been done on giving multiple vaccines at one time! Most parents have never researched and blindly trust their pediatricians, the alphabet agencies, and the media....whom are all “brought to you by Pfizer.” Very sad. My heart aches reading these VAERS reports and all the injury/death stories. Thank you for sharing your findings.