Awesome post -- very detailed, thank you for linking my own post on Hitler. There are so many details in all that we are studying, but doing so allows us to see the current geopolitical situation for what it is.

All wars are bankers wars, Parasites that think they actually "own" all assets and all people the world over, have "wars" for their own perceived gain. I would like to subscribe to your Newsletter, but you have a "Paywall." I will try to recommend you.

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Thank you. Been getting sick of all the 'Hitler is a good guy BS' and your 3 and the main article all showed up in my inbox pretty much same time, so figured the universe was telling me something.

As for a paywall, nothing is paywalled. I have it set up for paid subs for anyone who chooses to do so, but everything is free for the unpaid option. Unless something changed that I am not aware of.

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Thanks, I am quite grateful for being able to be a part of the conversation. Study of this history is beginning to reveal consistent patterns of the Globalist mechanisms. I think that by seeing it, most of us could effectively remove ourselves from the system. Or nullify it.

I'm on the fence about taking a firm "side" regarding Hitler. Ultimately, there are very few who are alive today that can precisely point to exactly what his purpose really was. Probably, the least truthful narrative, is the history most people are taught in schools.

From what is apparent, there was a plan to alter the European and Middle Eastern geopolitical landscape; the Balfour Declaration and the 1st Zionist Congress shows that in secret, many agreements were made, many of which can only be inferred based on events that took place.

This has been quite a learning experience for me. My main aspiration is that more people are willing to openly have discussions about this history and not to be concerned about questioning narratives. It may also be a good idea for those of us who do study these materials, archive them so that it will be impossible to any of it to ever be erased.

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The study of history is quite a tricky subject. Obviously most of what we have been taught is at minimum distorted, if not outright lies. And as for Hitler, that's where things get real murky. And considering the issues surrounding him, most won't even touch the subject. For me, I certainly question Holocaust, Inc. Too many holes in the official story, but that's not to say nothing happened. Mainly the 6 million part I find highly suspicious, in part because some years back I had come across what was claimed to be population counts of Europe at the time, and according to that data, there were only around 3 million Jews in all of Europe. So if that is accurate, its quite an impossibility to kill 3 million more than exited. Also, I've seen various things from back then, some figure from Red Cross if memory serves, that it was under a million. Not to downplay that, but major discrepancy. I think a lot of this Hilter Good resurgence plays right into the binaries that most people cannot break free from. Commies bad, so that must mean Nazis are good seems to be the line of 'thinking' I see in things people post. And heaven forbid anyone in the US looks at any atrocities committed by the US to 'save the world' from Nazis, as if Hitler even had any world domination plans. Nobody seems to be able to conclude that perhaps neither (Communism and Nazism) are good, as both are top down authoritarian and the individual is never part of the calculus.

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Individualism is a primary focus of my philosophy of Human life. It's worth noting that the systems of economics, politics, religion and ultimately our social acceptance of each other has been architecturally altered from the natural condition of a "merit based" interactions. The Individual has in most systems, been supplanted for assigned, and determined appearance based "Identities." The way this has affected our overall society is now it has become stratified into a "land of separate camps," with the Over Class Parasitic Elites playing those camps against each other.

I have begun to view whole "Countries" as only chess pieces on a very large chess board.

As for the Jews: I think you are 100% correct in the population analysis, the "6 million figure" was an introduced and contrived misrepresentation from around the early 1960's. Also, Germany in post war Allied Occupation, was a hell hole for Germans. The Morgenthau plan made sure that nearly 6 million Germans starved to death, not Jews:

Here's the figure taken in 1947----

"In 1947, a paper from the US State Department by Robert Murphy showed that the US statistical projection of births, immigration and officially reported deaths over the next 3 years the German population should be 71 million, but "to be conservative and in view of the present high death rate in Germany, a figure of 69 million will be used"."

"This not only showed that millions died since the “liberation” in 1945, but also that the official number were falsified to hide what was going on. ---""

"The 1950 census showed "5.7 million people" less than there should have been according to the number of people recorded in the 1946 census."

---- This could be exactly where the 6 million figure comes from; there is a good chance that the Eisenhower Administration caused the murder of former German military and civilian populations in those very same places where the "Jews" were supposed to have perished.

Amazing isn't it? So, they killed close to 6 million Germans, then they blamed those very same deaths of 6 million people; who are later 'misidentified' as "Jews." --- They were blamed for their own deaths, biggest mind fuck ever. I definitely question the Holocaust, nobody likes being lied to.

This is the unfortunate fruit of a Collectivist Society, I would hope that most North Americans start waking up, to claim their Individualized Sovereign Rights.

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Ya know vaguely recall reading that the 6 mil was a total count of something, and just always had that in the back of my mind. Just couldnt place it. But makes sense. What's a little lie when ya need a good narrative? And mind fuck definitely agree. And not only blamed, but future generations made to feel guilty as well.

As for the individual (or erasing of), yup keep everyone per-occupied with their little petty sqabbles over this team or that team, meanwhile They are laughing all the way to their banks. And as history shows, once the individual is no longer accounted for, all sorts of atrocities follow. When all individuals' rights are respected and protected, the rest falls in place

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