I bring sticks home from every natural place I go :) Also the mother Teresa one was hilarious. And squirting at police? Wow. That's talent, disturbing talent. Don't drink that REDBULL CRAP! Also, if it's sugar free, what's the sweet factor? Aspartame? They need to redo the video to make the guy study and study until he is suffering from mental retardation or seizures from all the aspartame. (sucralose, whatever.) It's just a joke , right? I hope you don't drink that crap. PEACE :) I tell every person I see drinking Monster or Red Bull not to drink that crap, even if it's a stranger. It doesn't always go so well. Haha. Recently there was a rather unhealthy looking woman standing in front of the new "Cinnamon toast crunch taco shells". I said "Oh my gosh! Don't eat that stuff, it's all toxic and chemicals!" She looked surprised and unhappy with me and scooted off down the aisle without buying any. I am not always that annoying. Just certain absurdities set me off, occasionally. I usually try to spread peace when I am in public, not yell at random strangers. I just couldn't stand it that day. It was the first time I had seen that product and they put it right on the endcap so everyone would be sure to see it. UG.
I do drink energy drinks, just not the ones that will kill ya like Monster or Red Bull. Those taco shells sound horrific. Never heard of em either til now but I try to stay out of the big grocery stores for the most part so I'm sure there is all sorts of crap I never saw before that would be equally horrifying
It's bad. I am sad to say, I am still there. I am planning on meeting some farmers this year, however. Also, I buy from farmers markets, a couple of individuals, organic stuff from online , my yard and what "organic" they have in a Publix. That's where you see the horrors. Here's one for you. The organic bell peppers are all individually wrapped in PLASTIC and they are 2.99 each. That is not okay. I am not growing bell peppers yet and I have a bag of seeds and I live in Florida. *looks at self directly * This is my message to self. DO THE THING. :) I am glad you don't have to shop at a grocery store. I aspire to that.
We got a butcher, a family owned grocery store and a direct to consumer dairy farm in this little town Im in. Plus about 15 farmers markets in the area. I feel truly blessed by the options we have around here.
As for your peppers, being in florida, you may end up with whole lot. They tend to thrive in warmer climates. Im up in PA and grew some a few yrs back and the plants just went insane with peppers.
I'll get right on that. I was recovering from two concussions in a few months. I feel better now. I have half my yard dug up. I need a day off to get too it. I am about a week out from planting EVERYTHING.
I bring sticks home from every natural place I go :) Also the mother Teresa one was hilarious. And squirting at police? Wow. That's talent, disturbing talent. Don't drink that REDBULL CRAP! Also, if it's sugar free, what's the sweet factor? Aspartame? They need to redo the video to make the guy study and study until he is suffering from mental retardation or seizures from all the aspartame. (sucralose, whatever.) It's just a joke , right? I hope you don't drink that crap. PEACE :) I tell every person I see drinking Monster or Red Bull not to drink that crap, even if it's a stranger. It doesn't always go so well. Haha. Recently there was a rather unhealthy looking woman standing in front of the new "Cinnamon toast crunch taco shells". I said "Oh my gosh! Don't eat that stuff, it's all toxic and chemicals!" She looked surprised and unhappy with me and scooted off down the aisle without buying any. I am not always that annoying. Just certain absurdities set me off, occasionally. I usually try to spread peace when I am in public, not yell at random strangers. I just couldn't stand it that day. It was the first time I had seen that product and they put it right on the endcap so everyone would be sure to see it. UG.
I do drink energy drinks, just not the ones that will kill ya like Monster or Red Bull. Those taco shells sound horrific. Never heard of em either til now but I try to stay out of the big grocery stores for the most part so I'm sure there is all sorts of crap I never saw before that would be equally horrifying
It's bad. I am sad to say, I am still there. I am planning on meeting some farmers this year, however. Also, I buy from farmers markets, a couple of individuals, organic stuff from online , my yard and what "organic" they have in a Publix. That's where you see the horrors. Here's one for you. The organic bell peppers are all individually wrapped in PLASTIC and they are 2.99 each. That is not okay. I am not growing bell peppers yet and I have a bag of seeds and I live in Florida. *looks at self directly * This is my message to self. DO THE THING. :) I am glad you don't have to shop at a grocery store. I aspire to that.
We got a butcher, a family owned grocery store and a direct to consumer dairy farm in this little town Im in. Plus about 15 farmers markets in the area. I feel truly blessed by the options we have around here.
As for your peppers, being in florida, you may end up with whole lot. They tend to thrive in warmer climates. Im up in PA and grew some a few yrs back and the plants just went insane with peppers.
I'll get right on that. I was recovering from two concussions in a few months. I feel better now. I have half my yard dug up. I need a day off to get too it. I am about a week out from planting EVERYTHING.