Thanks for putting this together.

I've only recently moved this particular fight into my radar recently.

Until I come across something very thorough and compelling in going to defer to Spartacus:


I have no doubts that there is much we don't understand, so I'm cautious. I wonder if the plan is to just hype up fear to sell "nano detox" products.

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I hadn't even thought of the supplement grift tied in with this. Yea that could certainly be part of it, especially with the McCullough Foundation jumping on the bandwagon. And for all I know, maybe there are some floating around with this stuff in it and its in vials that haven't been looked at. But I just have a standard for proof that has not been met by any of these claims, and that most of these claims are coming from just random people, in uncontrolled environments (ie not a clean room), handling things bare handed and other procedures that will allow for contaminants. I've worked in one and know how hard it is to keep things clean even in the controlled environment, with everyone in bunny suits. So just sitting at a desk with who knows what blowing around is gonna lead to all sorts of shit getting on the slides. Plus were the slides themselves properly clean before hand? can't just pick up a slide and start using it without proper sterilization.

As for that Spartacus post, I have to agree with him 100%. This most recent study that I think is the one is being referred to in that post is just not believable. I know credentials don't mean everything, but sometimes they do, and in this case, the two 'researchers' are a linguistics PhD and a obstetrician. I see no reason either of them would have any type of qualification to work a clean room properly or have any idea what they are looking at. Neither their jobs nor their schooling would have involved any such training, or at a very very bare minimum that still would leave them unqualified for the work.

If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but so far I see nothing to indicate such

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'Graphene, one of the world's strongest materials, isn't normally magnetic. But when stacked and twisted, graphene develops a rare form of magnetism, new research finds.'

From the Livescience link. This is referring to sheets of graphene, not nanoparticles of graphene oxide

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Thanks for that. Fair point.

What are your thoughts about what is discussed here and the work done by Pablo Campra.


His work has been 'debunked' by "fact checkers" which in my mind only gives it more weight:


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The point of this post was that all these claims are bullshit. And reuters says its not true because its not true. Anyone claiming this shit is in there is not be trusted on anything. Did you even watch anything in this post cuz sure sounds like you didnt

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I did watch it. I am just presenting the opposite side for consideration. This is not personal.

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I know the opposite side. I have been having this debate for 3 years. I didnt just come across this before putting this post together. I put this post together because this ridiculous failed psyop was resurrected for some reason and Im sickn discussing it so I offered real proof that this shit isnt in there. All the people looking in vials that are qualifed for clean room work have never found it but two studies done by people who are completely unqualified for clean room work see something that they are unsure of what it is so they just call it GO? Sure why not. Both studies are pure garbage and this claimed tech, while being resesrched, does not exist and likely never will. Its science fiction.

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Sorry, but you're writing absolute nonsense - what profession are you in? Have you ever worked with these materials? Do you know the different methods of producing graphene oxides and their derivatives? Do you know the methods to make graphene magnetic? If the manufacturers themselves admit that graphene and graphene oxides are used, do you still deny it - what do you even know??? Who is paying you to write such absolute nonsense and lie to people?!!!! Work on this nanotechnology has been going on for over 20 years now, but it is apparently too much for your intellect to comprehend and, above all, to acquire knowledge before you write such nonsense!!!! You really are a pitiful and pathetic subject!!!

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Thank you for such kind words. I should be asking you who is paying you to do this? I wish someone was paying me. Might be able to feed myself. Have a nice day and fuck off.


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Aug 29
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It matters because this type of shit makes addressing real issues with them more difficult as real concerns will get lumped in with bullshit claims. Truth matter. Always.

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