That is absolutely ridiculous. Now you are blaming Israel for starting the war in Ukraine? They have nothing to do with NATO & no interest in land in Ukraine. They have enough to worry about in their own little corner of the world.

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You can stop intentionally misrepresenting what people are saying here and cease with the straw man BS as well.

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Israel has never asked for boots on the ground from anyone. Ever. And no, I would care about any People murdered in cold blood, stripped and dragged around the streets by savages. And to answer your question about the Palestinians, they have been held hostage by Hamas and the PlO and the UN and UNRWA for decades. They are pawns. I hate Hamas, PIJ, and the Iranian government, not the people. Would I like to see peace on earth? YOU BET, but I'm not in charge. You just look at the surface of things. Things are more complicated. But keep out sending an avalanche of substances instead of seriously delving deeply into any subject. I will take your advice and unsubscribe when I get around to it, or you can just remove me from your mailing list.

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So we just let the Jews get massacred? Israel has never asked for boots on the ground. The United States gets more for its money than Israel gets for the money. Israel is the only country in the world that gets United States foreign aid that has to pay it back by buying military equipment in the United States. Israel updates US military equipment, Israel shares vital Intel with the US, shares medical breakthroughs, shares agricultural breakthroughs, etc, etc, etc. Israel was forced to give up the manufacture of the Iron Dome missiles from in country to Raytheon as parr of the MOU with the United States.So it is now dependent on the US for missiles to replenish the Iron Dome. You can't compare Israel to Ukraine. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world. It's a money laundering op for the US. Does it make you happy to see savagely murdered civilians in the streets of Southern Israel. Young people, kids, elderly? How about the hostages ? How do you think they will be treated when the savages are parading dead Jewish bodies in the streets and making fun of it? Now the whole world can see what savages these so called Palestinians are.

Take your filty mouth and think if those were your relatives. My relatives live there. I can only hope and pray that they will be safe.

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Oct 9, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023Author

'...Take your filty mouth...'

I don't know who the fuck you think you are talking to me like that. You can't handle my filthy fucking mouth, unsub then. I'm sick of you talking fucking shit. First you tell me I hate women, now this? This is my house, I will say whatever the fuck I want.

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Fuck you too.

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Its none of our business. We have problems here and wars of our own that we shouldn't be fighting.

I suppose you support our involvement in Ukraine then?

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No I do not. Russians are not murdering Ukrainians and parading their dead bodies in the streets. They are not going into homes and shooting people because they are Ukranian. That is not a WAR. Its a special operation. If Russia wanted to it could overtake Ukraine in a week. NATO pushed and pushed encircling Russia. Russia warned and warned that if they didn't stop then they would take action. The US caused that "war" by sanctioning the crap out of Russia and trying for regime change in Russia. BTW the US did cause regime change in Ukraine in the Maidan color revolution in 2014 when we overthrew the duly elected government. So the two issues do not compare. We don't belong in Ukraine, WE STARTED IT. The US has dirty hands all over the planet. But let's just sit by and let Jews get slaughtered again and watch it and say Gee, we"re sorry, especially since we are supporting Hamas and the POL with tons of money and we just gave Iran $6 billion. Iran is the sponsor of Hamas.

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I just want to say, in line with your comment about who started the war in Ukraine, that Israel started this war the first time they killed in order to illegally settle land outside the original border of the land they claimed. I don't dislike Israeli people. I don't dislike Palestinian people. I intensely dislike Zionists and murderers.

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So you only care about Jews dying? Good to know. No concern for the treatment of Palestinians? No concern for the children? But as soon as a Jew dies, its blood thirst time? You're sick. Send your fucking children to die in another nation's war

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