The WHO treaty is tomorrow...... "There are amendments proposed to international law that are binding. Waiting for changes of the original document upon approval from the different nations. 307 amendments, plus extra annexes. In short, signatories from all these countries will discuss matters further, while they will not need approval from their legislations for signing the final document" "194 countries are about to sign over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new P•nd•mic Treaty. This would give the W.H.O. LEGAL AUTHORITY to declare a P•nd•mic and manage the response of every nation including lock-downs, mandatory vac••nations, 24/7 surveillance of the population, supply chains and much more. This is the greatest threat to humanity right now. It would be the end of the world & freedom as we know it"

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To be honest, the more I have thought over the implications of this becoming a thing here, the less I am concerned. I see no possible way it can be enforced. Not enough federal agents to spread out across the country should something arise, and like lockdown time, there will be state and local non-compliance. And if Im wrong, things can get ugly real quick.

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Funny story. That article is two emails below the notification I got from ya.

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